Bilingual Brain Benefits

A warm welcome to all of you that have attended the Hold Your Tongue Event at the Roundhouse Vancouver, BC, Canada and took some of the bilingual benefits cards to use or for others. I would like to provide you with some of the sources that are available on the Internet.

A lot of research is being done on bilingual brain benefits ranging from delaying Alzheimer’s to helping your brain be more effective in work. Below are some of the many links that may give more information.

It is now suggested that it is helpful to study a second language at any age since it shapes the brain in a more effective way.

For many years, keeping your mother tongue was considered a liability or in the case of many First Nations, painful guilt ridden and even dangerousexperience. Fortunately this false premise is now being disproven.

Card 1 –  Bilingual Brain Power Benefits!

  • Improved attention span
  • Multitasking flexibility
  • Increased conflict management skills.
  • Enhanced literary skills,
  • Higher IQ tests


  2.  Free brain fitness games.

Card 2 – Bilingual Brain Power Benefits



Card 3 –  Bilingual Brain Power Benefits!

  • Delayed symptoms of Alzheimer’s and dementia
  • Increased brain density.
  • Improved brain fitness



Card 4 – Bilingual Brain Power Benefits (children)

  • Read to your children in two languages
  • Talk about the characters, make them interesting..
  • Children can be read to as young as eight months.

Good sites for children and youth:



Kerra Downey

Kerra DowneyMy name is Kerra Downey, I am doing my practicum for the Peak Performance Plus Program.

I became interested in the program as I discovered my son’s challenges with ADD and ADHD. He was diagnosed this year. Through the program he has been able to increase his level of confidence and security, as well as being able to navigate life at school and day care without medication! I am very excited to continue to work in this field with both children and adults. I have also seen how the Peak Performance Plus tools are so important all the way though life.

As an example of one of the tools that I used with my son lately. I had been telling my almost seven year old son about the happy dial, explaining to him how he can turn up this dial to increase happiness and confidence when needed, he said a few times ” I don’t really understand mom”.

Later that day, when we were just about to get out of our car at a mall, a young man came sauntering along singing and happy as can be, he did not see us until he was getting into the car next to us. He then looked at us and waved with a great big smile. My son said “Wow mom, I think that guy needs to turn down his happy dial”.

My son got it then and has been very successfully using the happy dial ever since. The Peak Performance Tools are simple and they work. They have been hugely successful in our lives!


New Website

Dear friends

We have a new website – but we still offer the same excellent, effective service! But with the new website we hope to add new ways of providing support and service to you.

It is early days – so stay tuned!