On Line Learning Strategies for the Gifted and Challenged

Each person has a unique and different way of learning. Whether you are gifted or challenged or a mixture of both, it is important to find out how you learn best. These learning programs are designed to find out your own learning pattern, provide you with additional learning skills and give you the support of an on line coach. You will enter “the sometimes mysterious and the always exciting world of learning how to learn.” Unfortunately due to lack of time and knowledge, many gifted individuals fall through the cracks and end up feeling hopeless and depressed with little or no motivation to continue. You may be brilliant in some areas and having a tough time in others due a complete or incomplete learning strategy.

The Format for both gifted and challenged learners includes:

  1. Finding and documenting your personal learning strategies.
  2. Helping you to create a positive attitude which will help to tap into your hidden learning resources.
  3. Designing a successful program that will work for you
  4. A step by step training program which is paced to meet your needs.
  5. On going coaching support.
  6. Celebration of your unique abilities!

Sample additional areas:

  • Whole Brain Learning.
  • Test Literacy and test taking skills.
  • Peak Performance Plus Learning.
  • Increase your learning confidence level.

Home coaching support is welcomed for both gifted and enriched programs.